Members of the congregation are the ultimate authority for UUCP. The congregation typically gathers for two Congregational Meetings each year, held in January and May. The congregation has adopted and periodically amends the UUCP Bylaws.

An elected Governing Board represents the congregation and conducts the business of the congregation, subject to authority granted under our Bylaws. The Board governs through Board Policies and acts on behalf of the congregation to further the congregation’s mission and chosen Ends.

The Leadership Development Team presents nominees for the Board and for Leadership Development to the congregation for election.

The work of the congregation is done by Ministry Teams. Ministry Teams are groups of many shapes and sizes that do things like plan events, run ongoing programs, or start new initiatives. Each ministry team has a Board liaison.

Governing Board


Lauren Anzaldo President 850-292-7380
Nancy Hagman
Past President Leadership Development Team, 850-206-5638
Jack Comstock Secretary 561-900-4868
Erin Renfroe Treasurer 208-449-2443