Honest, accurate information about sexuality is life changing. Comprehensive sex education dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and potentially saves lives. OWL is a nationally recognized, secular, values-based program that emphasizes self-worth, sexual health, responsibility, and justice & inclusivity.

OWL affirms the role of parents as their children’s primary sexuality educators. OWL covers topics and skills that both parents and students want but that schools are less likely to cover. National surveys show that most parents, as well as educators and students themselves, would expand sex ed courses and curriculum. OWL does just that.

OWL provides holistic, accurate, and developmentally appropriate information. OWL uses interactive workshops and lessons to engage participants. The program helps students make informed and responsible decisions about sexual health and behavior. OWL was designed by the Unitarian Universalist Association along with the United Church of Christ.

In the last several years, the UUCP OWL Team has hosted courses for grades K-1, 4-6, and 7-9. Courses are open to UUCP members and non-members. Courses usually begin with a Parent Interest Meeting to introduce the concepts and values of OWL to parents (UUCP members and non-members) who might be interested in enrolling their children in future classes.

Stay tuned for upcoming courses in 2022-23.

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OWL registration form