The Power of Connectedness

Speaker: Rachelle Burns, Chair of the EscaRosa Suicide Prevention Coalition
Connectedness is the number one protective factor in preventing suicide. Rachelle will explore how we can all engage in suicide prevention by truly connecting with others and what that can look like in our daily lives.

Our Fifth Sunday recipient for May will be the EscaRosa Suicide Prevention Coalition. In Florida, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for persons aged 25-34 and the 3rd leading cause of death for persons aged 10-14 and 15-24. ERSPC is a passionate and dedicated group of professionals, organizations, and persons with lived experi- ence who recognize the importance of suicide prevention in our community. The coalition works to impact the suicide rate and transform Escambia and Santa Rosa counties by raising awareness, increasing knowledge and skills, and implementing strategic interventions. The coalition’s vision is to eliminate suicide in our community. Learn more about the EscaRosa Suicide Prevention Coalition here.

