Privileges, Benefits & Responsibilities
The sentiment expressed in the graphic captures so much of who and how we are – it is about how we act in the world.
Here are some other things to keep in mind for both new and current members:
As a Member –
You are entitled to:
- Receive the services of the minister without fee;
- Use the church property for events in accordance with established policy;
- Receive a free subscription to the UU World magazine;
- Have your information included in the church Directory and Simple Church;
- Vote at congregational business meetings (Mid-Year meeting is January 26, 2020) after six weeks’ membership;
- Stand for elections and hold elected office; and
- Be remembered on our Memorial Garden plaque.
You agree to:
- Uphold our By-Laws (they’re on the website and a paper copy is available upon request); and
- Participate in the life of the congregation through two things:
- Personal involvement, and
- A record of financial contribution ($) within the church year (the annual Budget Drive is approaching!).
Questions about membership – contact Membership Team Members
Laurie Winterberg, Laura Keith King or Nancy Hagman