Theme Circles Starting Back

The number of Zoom activities have grown, and many of you are connecting through one or more of our various offerings. I’d like to bring back Theme Circles for anyone interested in adding something a little dif-ferent. Theme Circles are an opportunity to engage with the Soul Matters Theme of the Month in a small group context. Here is a brief description from the Soul Matters team: 

Simply put, Soul Matters groups offer the gift of spiritual connection. Around us swirls a shallow, fran-tic and materialistic culture that leaves us cut off from our deepest selves, life’s gifts and needs greater than our own. Many of us come to church hungry to mend these sacred connections that get frayed and torn. Soul Matters exists to support this journey of reconnection to life, others and ourselves. 

We determined last time that on Zoom a group of about six seemed to work best. I think it is better to have more small groups than fewer larger ones. 

If you are interested, or want more information, please send me an email and let me know. The Theme for February is Beloved Community. That sounds like a great way to start. 

I look forward to hearing from you.