June 2021 Justice Update

There are several new laws out of the most recent legislative session that are contrary to our values as a nation and as UUs.

I could write paragraphs about each of them, but will focus on two areas of extreme concern. If you have questions about any of the areas in the UUJustice Florida newsletter as quoted below, please ask me, Paula Montgomery.

“Public education is being put through the wringer. Public schools and teachers have been strained over the last 15 months by the pandemic. Additionally, the expansion of the voucher system and the charter school system both divert finances from public schools. The most egregious problem is with the new set of standards for teaching civics. The new standards are a push for Christian nationalism while denying any mention of race as an issue in our government.

Adding insult to injury is forbidding the teaching of democracy as a founding principle. Instead the push is to call it all a republic, not use the word democracy anywhere.

The other area of extreme concern is the law denying rights of free speech in public spaces. This is called the anti riot bill but does not define what a riot is. Instead it claims that three or more unruly speakers can constitute a threat to public safety. It does not permit local governments to set aside public areas for gatherings without first getting approval from the Florida governor. There is a lot more to be concerned about.

The major takeaway for me is that we all need to be paying attention. We know that elections have consequences. Our local representatives and senator did not stand up for our values.

There will be another election. Our democracy gives us the power to elect folks who will represent us. Pay attention between now and our next election. Sup-port the people who support our UU and American values.

Apathy is not an option.

-Paula Montgomery


The Legislative Session

The 2022 Legislative Session will convene in January and will be preceded by six weeks of committee meetings when state legislators will be in Tallahassee. The first week of meetings will be held Sept. 20 to Sept. 24 and the last from Nov. 29 to Dec. 3. Thus, it will be important for congregations and organizations to form their Legislative Action teams over the summer months and request appointments to meet with their legislators either in person or virtually before the first of these pre-session meetings and before their appointment calendars fill up.

Each team will receive a suggested agenda and list of missed opportunities that progressive Floridians support-ed in the 2021 session that ended in April. Regrettably these proposed bills were never placed on committee agendas for a hearings or votes and died in commit-tee. Our goal will be to show there is significant public interest and support for passage of these bills when they will most likely be re-introduced in the 2022 session.

Listed below are twelve categories which will be amend-ed over the summer to include items of missed opportunities. Each team is encouraged to prioritize or focus on those categories which are of greatest interest in your congregation, organization or community.

Items (Died in Committee)
Which Will be Amended Over the Summer

  1. Home Rule vs. Preemption to the State
  2. Accountability of Police and Law Enforcement
  3. Health Care Affordability and Accessibility
  4. Public School Education (see below)
  5. Environmental Sustainability 6. Representative Democracy/Election Reform
  6. Human Rights (esp. for Women, Children and Minorities)
  7. Public Safety
  8. Budget and Taxation
  9. Jobs and Economic Opportunity
  10. Immigration
  11. Redistricting


Looking ahead to the 2022 session, it is expected Governor DeSantis will most likely follow the lead of his State Board of Education Commissioner and 15 other states in efforts to muzzle the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Florida’s Public Schools. By participating in your organizations’ _Legislative Advocacy Teams, you will be showing strong public support for a school curriculum that teaches critical analysis as a tool for addressing complex issues in today’s diverse and fast changing world.