April 2022: CRE

Soul Matters Lessons

 Ah, Spring. April showers bring May flowers.

This month we will focus on waking up and looking around to what things, people or places are important to UUs, to us and to our community at large. We want to be thoughtful and present in our lives, not missing the little things that make each day wonderful. On the flip side we will also look into pain and struggle and how we can overcome them and help others to overcome them, by being present and thoughtful. As we support our friends, neighbors, and family to heal we will investigate how we are all a part of the interconnected web of life. What we do and don’t do matters.

CRE Zoom Meeting

We had a great meeting last month. I plan to have an afternoon/early evening meeting this month for those that cannot make it in the mornings. This month we will meet at 5pm on April 11.  We will meet via Zoom. Please contact Sarah Stubbs if you will be attending the meeting for login instructions.

We will be firming up Easter Sunday plans and discussing summer programing and Teen programing. And exploring what volunteering in CRE looks like.


This month’s theme invites us to think about not only what values our UU faith calls us to but also the actions and skills that our times require of us. Pandemic time, along with our racial, political and environmental challenges, exposes the need for humanity to change and adjust in key ways:

     Waking up to What Really Matters:

     Weighing things thoughtfully

     Waking up to Wonder and Beauty:

     Being present

     Waking up to the Pain and Struggle of Others:     

     The power to help heal

     Waking up to the Interconnected Web:

     Earth Day