Bylaws Revision Presentation
April 6, 2025
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Bylaws Revision Presentation set for Second Hour on April 6
Take a walk through the proposed revisions to our Church Bylaws during this Second Hour presentation in the sanctuary following the Sunday Service on April 6.
An Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the UUCP Governing Board has been working the last several months on revising our Bylaws. In advance of a congregational vote on the proposed Bylaws at our Annual Meeting on May 18, Committee Chair Lauren Anzaldo and committee members will highlight the uodates and will share the text of the proposed document.
UUCP Members are encouraged to attend this presentation to learn about the proposed revisions and to get the information they will need to vote on May 18. Friends are welcome to attend the presentation but are not eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting. April 6 is the last day for any person to join UUCP and be eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting on May 18.
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