Our Ministers and Staff
UUCP is currently a lay-led congregation. Our services are planned and carried out by our Sunday Services Ministry Team and include speakers from the congregation and community, as well as musicians and other guests. Pastoral care is provided by our Caring Ministry Team. If you are interested in supporting either of these teams, please see this page for details.
Community Minister
Rev. Maggie Lovins
Rev. Maggie Lovins serves as the Community Minister for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola. She resides in Pensacola with her partner Chad and two loving felines. She feels that Unitarian Universalism is truly a life-saving faith, and it is her mission to spread the good news that you are loved, valued and worthy just as you are!
Rev. Maggie started her calling in Unitarian Universalism by serving as her home congregation’s Office Administrator and Children’s Religious Education Coordinator along with many other roles and titles. As a lay leader, she also served the Mid-South District as Board Secretary, one of the UUA’s Ministerial Settlement Representatives and the Southern Region as a Smart Church Consultant and Leadership Experience facilitator before becoming Unitarian Universalist Association staff.
Maggie attended Starr King School for the Ministry where she completed her Master of Arts in Social Change with a Certificate in Unitarian Universalist Studies.
We are better together, we can only change the world together, and every day is a new chance to live fully in to those ideals, embrace our diversity and join in building the Beloved Community together!
Office Manager/Editor 
Honor Bell
Children’s Religious Education Coordinator
Honor Bell