Now and Then

“Now and Then”: A Beatles Inspired Sunday

Presenter: The Beatles and UUCP members. The Beatles newest song and video “Now and Then” AND the upcoming 60th Anniversary of their first appearance on US TV are the inspirations for not only today’s energizing service but also to set a theme for the beginning of our annual Members and Friends pledge drive.   (In addition, we have a fun event on Friday evening, Feb the 9th.)

Pledging is how we make tangible our appreciation and support of our faith community – by making their annual pledge of financial support.

We are only able to provide, accomplish, and support the activities important to us because of your support by making your renewed or new  pledge of financial support each year.

UUCP is where we have been the  given the gift of a worship tradition that draws us together in a place of Hope, Memory, Learning, Healing, Growing and Serving.

Watch this service on our YouTube channel.

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