LIVE Zoom Service: Ingathering Water Communion

If you missed our live Zoom Sunday Service gathering on Oct, 18, you can watch an edited version by clicking on the link on this page. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this first time experiment. Marylee Donnely, Laura Keith King, Trista Blouin, and I enjoyed seeing everyone who participated, and I’m sure we all learned a few things. Although everything that happened is not in the edited video, you will get a sense of what was different about the experience.  If you were there, and you watch this video, you may see some things the way the were supposed to happen 😀.

Our UUCP Ingathering Water Ceremony was live on Zoom Oct 18, 2020.

This video contains most segments from our live Zoom Water Communion Sunday Service, including a Time For All Ages with Marylee Donnelly and a video created by Rev. Alice featuring water stories and pictures submitted by members. Be sure to notice the beautiful painting and poem by Rob Pallme, at the beginning of the Water Communion video presentation. Music for Centering, Offertory, and for the Water Communion Video were provided by our pianist, Denise D’Angelo. Laura Keith King sings and plays guitar on a lovely version of “For The Beauty of the Earth.” Thanks to Marcia McFee and Chuck Bell with Worship Design Studio for artistic and musical collaboration.

Feel free to Email me with comments or questions, or to share your news. I enjoy being in touch and hearing from you, during this time of physical separation.  Be sure to use my Email address below.
