The Music of Nina Simone, performed by Pearl Ash

In Honor of MLK weekend: Singer Pearl Ash surprised fans at last spring’s Pensacola Jazz Fest with her spirited tribute to Nina Simone. Nina Simone was a jazz and blues artist who became an outspoken civil rights activist in the 1960s and ‘70s. Pearl will reprise the performance with a group of seasoned jazz players during this special service. This Service is sponsored by Thom Botsford

This Sunday Service will be honoring Dr. Martin Luther King through music. Please know that the Service is likely to exceed the traditionally held “one hour” program. Thanks from the Sunday Services Team.

– Fifth Sunday Offering –
December was busy. It’s fifth Sunday slipped by without identifying a recipient or awarding our fifth Sunday offering to a local non-profit. This week on Sunday January 19th, we will rectify that oversight.
Our Sunday offering will be awarded to Movement for Change. Movement for Change is a prominent Northwest Florida Civil Rights Organization. Its Mission is “to be the voice for the disenfranchised citizen of Escambia County and the surrounding areas. to provide opportunities for a better quality of life.” In addition to registering voters and encouraging them to vote, and among other activities, it actively supports our public schools and provides community services such a AIDS testing. Their annual Freedom is Not Free Banquet is one of the best fundraisers for a good cause in the region.
Please be prepared to support them generously.
