Speaker: Joe Vinson

Lost Pensacola, Part I

Joe Vinson, UUCP member, will present his capstone project for his Master’s Degree in Public History. Joe will walk us through the histories of six lost Pensacola landmarks that he recreated as vintage-style posters, including the Panton Leslie trading post, Fort McRee, and the old Opera House. Watch this service on our YouTube Channel here.

Faith vs. Works

A look at how early Christians viewed the importance of works — service and charity — and how the ‘by faith alone’ doctrine led to a modern Christianity that is increasingly divorced from the teachings of Jesus. Watch this service on our YouTube channel here.

Virtual Service: HELL, A History

HELL, A History, a Sunday Service written, presented and produced by Joe Vinson, digital media strategist and UUCP Member. The service also features the Rev. Alice Syltie, the Vinson Family, Nancy Hagman, Marylee Donnelly, and music by Denise D’Angelo, All Souls Church Unitarian, and the UU Church of the Palouse. Joe presents a discussion of carceral … Continue reading Virtual Service: HELL, A History