Speaker: Rev. Dr. Julie Kain

Journey of Life

At our annual ingathering service we celebrate our life journeys as Unitarian Universalists and the vibrant community we share, coming back together for a new program year after our summer of adventures, far or near. This service will include a board installation ceremony. After the service, the first Potluck luncheon of the year.

The Art of Happiness

We look to our religious community and spiritual practices to help us to be the best people we can be. Can they also help us in our personal quest for happiness?

Spirituality of Play

Before the summer comes to an end, we’ll lift up the spiritual merits of time devoted to play. Spiritual nurture and growth happens when we cultivate our hobbies and spend precious time with friends and family. As humans seeking healing and wholeness in our lives, we often neglect the creative and restorative values of rest, … Continue reading Spirituality of Play


Have you ever had a deep longing to go to a certain place as if it was calling to you? We will explore the significance of personal journeys and how they can lead us to new life directions.

Summer Sabbath

Taking a break from our routines to rest and refresh is one of the gifts of summer. In what ways can your summer offer you a time for personal reflection and renewal?

Going Home Again

With summer travels to visit family and family reunions, many of us have unfinished business stirred up in us. How can we take these opportunities to come to terms with the experiences we had in our families of origin, to heal old wounds, and to cultivate new levels of relationship with those important people from … Continue reading Going Home Again

Bridge Over Troubled Water

How does being in community help us navigate turbulent times? Where is the delicate creative balance between positive and negative stress in our lives? Between challenge and opportunity?

Lean on Me

When you find a community in which you feel you belong, what are the benefits and responsibilities that keep you engaged? The covenant, non-creedal tradition of Unitarian Universalism asks us to walk together in a continual search for truth and meaning, learning and doing more with our combined perspectives than anything we can possibly accomplish … Continue reading Lean on Me

Let It Be

In our annual Mother’s Day service for all ages, we will celebrate the resilient creativity of the maternal spirit at work in all of our lives. The service will include a Teacher Appreciation ceremony.

Shifting Worldviews

Many of us are becoming increasingly aware of a clash of worldviews happening all around us. How do we make sense of it? What is the connection between our core values and the lenses through which we see the world?