Topic: Mind & Spirit

Do We Need Religion?

A sermon by Rev. Harold W. Beu “Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people Livin’ life in peace.” The lyrics above I have no doubt are familiar to most if not all of you. They are from the song … Continue reading Do We Need Religion?

The Spiritual Wisdom of Narrative Theory: Beyond Villains and Heroes

In narrative theory, good antagonists aren’t just villains—they’re complex, relatable, and essential for growth. When we reframe the ‘bad guys’ in our experiences as real people in difficult situations, we open ourselves to empathy and transformation. This talk explores how the wisdom of narrative theory can help us live deeper, more compassionate, and more meaningful … Continue reading The Spiritual Wisdom of Narrative Theory: Beyond Villains and Heroes

The Spiritual Wisdom of Narrative Theory: How Life’s Gaps Transform Us

What if the gaps in our lives—the tension between what we want and what actually happens—are where transformation begins? Drawing on narrative theory and the craft of storytelling, this talk explores how the struggles, surprises, and unanswered questions in our lives might be inviting us into wholeness. When we embrace the ‘story tension,’ we may … Continue reading The Spiritual Wisdom of Narrative Theory: How Life’s Gaps Transform Us

A Space to Breathe: Staying Grounded After the Election

Presenter: Zachary Helton is a spiritual care counselor and author. His work centers on creating imaginative spaces for reflection and connection, especially in times of transition. You can find more about his work on Whatever the outcome, the days after an election can leave us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or unsure of what’s next. On November … Continue reading A Space to Breathe: Staying Grounded After the Election

Honoring Our Departed Members

Presenters: Nancy Hagman, UUCP member and Dr. Paula Montgomery, UUCP member Historically, at this time of the year, we celebrate the members and friends of UUCP that have died in the past year: Members Charlotte Crane, JJ Jackson, Marianne Kelly and friend Beverly Miller, daughter of member Annabelle Miller. We will acknowledge their strong connections they made with … Continue reading Honoring Our Departed Members

The Queerness of the Natural World: Revelations in Liminal Space

Presenter: Nate Schweigert, Chaplain The most beauty in the day comes at sunup or sun down. How does this pertain to our humanity as we ebb and flow in constant states of change? Nate is a nature artist and a hospital chaplain who engages spirituality through panentheism and mysticism in the body and the natural … Continue reading The Queerness of the Natural World: Revelations in Liminal Space

Wisdom from the Ages

Presenters: Margaret McLarin, Mae O’Shea and friends In honor of diversity and inclusion, we will hear “Wisdom from our Seniors” as they have journeyed through their lives as UU’s. They will present their delightful insights, humor and tidbits for joy in life. Watch this video on our YouTube Channel.

OutoftheBox: The Transformational Power of Story & Play

Presenter: Claire Helton, M.Div., UUCP member It can be difficult to find resources for spiritual growth that are aligned with our UU values. OutoftheBox is one avenue for doing just that. In OutoftheBox story circles, participants listen deeply to themselves and one another, exploring deep truths through the lens of wisdom stories from various traditions, … Continue reading OutoftheBox: The Transformational Power of Story & Play

Trust Yourself Again

Trust Yourself Again: Reclaim Your Inner Compass After Leaving Evangelical Subculture Presenter: Catherine Quiring, MA, LMHC, Guest Speaker This program will include 5 steps you can take to complete the healing cycle after leaving an evangelical subculture (or another form of high-control religion): Reflect, Release, Reconnect, Reclaim, and Re-emerge. Self-trust includes befriending your desires, trusting … Continue reading Trust Yourself Again

Our Moral Compass

Presenter: Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, Member of UUCP. In a complex world, how do we determine where we stand on important issues? Where do we find our moral compass? This talk will explore common social problems from a human rights perspective and will present a social justice model of decision-making based on the work of Paul Farmer, an … Continue reading Our Moral Compass