Topic: Mind & Spirit

How to Deprogram Yourself

This service will be given by Joe Vinson, President Elect of UUCP. We have all been indoctrinated into rigid structures of thinking. What can be easy to spot in other people is much harder to identify in ourselves. How can we work on this? Watch this service on our YouTube channel.

The Spacious Mind: An Exploration of the Inner Cosmos

Guest speaker Julie Patton will present this Program as a follow-up to her May 21, 2023 service, “Restoring Sacred Presence in a Disenchanted World.” The first program was about the numinous mysteries uncovered by quantum physics that pertain to the soul. This program will instead focus on the self and the interior world and how … Continue reading The Spacious Mind: An Exploration of the Inner Cosmos

Recovering Sacred Presence

Long time friend of UUCP Julie Patton will present a program on “Recovering Sacred Presence in a Disenchanted World.” This topic will touch on the New Story of creation, which incorporates evidence-based scientific research into an evolutionary model of the transcendent unfolding in time. In this service we will celebrate our members and close family members … Continue reading Recovering Sacred Presence

The Great Peacemakers Series

This is the next installment in our special series based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken Beller and Heather Chase. Laura Keith King will tell about two very well-known Peacemakers; in honor of Mothers’ Day, the most compassionate and best known “mother” of them all, Mother Teresa, and … Continue reading The Great Peacemakers Series

Flower Communion 2023

This Sunday, April 9th, we will hold our annual Flower Communion service. The service, led by Denise Gunn and our children, will focus on springtime and the many ways it is celebrated around the world. Please join us for this beautiful and spiritual occasion as we come together as community to celebrate this new season … Continue reading Flower Communion 2023

The Great Peacemakers Series

Once again, Barbara Wright, a dedicated member of  UUCP will provide a thoughtful service. This is the next installment in our special series based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken Beller and Heather Chase. Our Peace Sunday candidates are mixed in their familiarity. Bruno Hussar believes in “Interfaith Harmony” and has created … Continue reading The Great Peacemakers Series

Lost Pensacola, Part 2

Joe Vinson, UUCP member, will continue his walk through the histories of another six lost Pensacola landmarks that he recreated as vintage-style posters, including the San Carlos Hotel, the Spearman Brewery, and the Spanish Village. Watch this service on our YouTube Channel here.