Topic: Mind & Spirit

Lost Pensacola, Part I

Joe Vinson, UUCP member, will present his capstone project for his Master’s Degree in Public History. Joe will walk us through the histories of six lost Pensacola landmarks that he recreated as vintage-style posters, including the Panton Leslie trading post, Fort McRee, and the old Opera House. Watch this service on our YouTube Channel here.

Mine Your Memories: Sharing Personal Holiday Experiences

Dr Dolly Berthelot will facilitate this service. She has been a UUCP/PUUF member since 1984. We’ll share personal holiday stories, focused on, but not limited to Christmas. How has your family celebrated its key December holiday? Are there important traditions? Is there an experience that stands out as particularly happy, fun, memorable, and “cherishable” to … Continue reading Mine Your Memories: Sharing Personal Holiday Experiences

Bread Communion

This year we are pleased to have Audrey Preston, an active, engaging member of UUCP, leading our service. Like our congregants, breads come in a wide variety. Every civilization that has ever lived on the earth has made some type of bread. This communion service reminds us that we all need food to live, that … Continue reading Bread Communion

Hope, When Hope is Hard to Find presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member

Presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member. One of our beloved UU hymns, “Come, Sing a Song With Me,” contains the encouraging lines: I’ll bring you hope when hope is hard to find, and I’ll bring a song of love and a rose in the wintertime. During tough times personally, politically, and socially, hope can seem elusive. … Continue reading Hope, When Hope is Hard to Find presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member

A UU Altar Call?

An altar call at a UU church? What’s that all about?! Join our very own Community Minister, Rev. Maggie Lovins, as we challenge ourselves to dive deeper into our Principles and Purposes and rededicate ourselves to our mission to change the world through Diversity, Love, and Justice. Watch this video on our YouTube Channel by … Continue reading A UU Altar Call?

Faith vs. Works

A look at how early Christians viewed the importance of works — service and charity — and how the ‘by faith alone’ doctrine led to a modern Christianity that is increasingly divorced from the teachings of Jesus. Watch this service on our YouTube channel here.

Our Faiths and Us

A guided discussion about the presence and role of faith in our lives by Daniel Cobb and Heather Stefanescu. We’ll talk about three basic questions: What role has our faith had in our lives? What brought us to UUCP? and What do we believe, anyway?