Topic: Social Justice

Banned Books, Free Speech and Parental Responsibility

Guest Speaker: Rosalind Fisher is a retired Sociology Professor who taught Inequality, Social Problems, Women’s Studies, Sex Roles, Race, and ethnicity. She has a B.S. in Psychology, an M.A. in Community Development, and an M.S. in Sociology. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on book banning, a topic that has been a hotbed of debate … Continue reading Banned Books, Free Speech and Parental Responsibility

Seeking Justice in a Disordered World

Presenter: Joe Vinson, UUCP member and incoming President In this service Joe will present challenges we experience in examining our shared commitment to peace, liberty and justice for all. Watch this service on our YouTube channel.

Emancipation Day

Mr. Walter Gulley, Jr. will explain Florida’s Emancipation Celebration. Juneteenth is a national holiday celebrating the date that the enslaved persons in Texas learned that that they were free. Emancipation Day celebrates a similar day in Florida when Union soldiers arrived in Tallahassee on May 20th 1865 to announce and enforce the freedom of the … Continue reading Emancipation Day

How America Got Mean

Dr. Paula Montgomery, member of UUCP, discusses “How America Got Mean” according to David Brooks. Is it anger? Is it fear?  Or just “ornery cussedness”? What makes us act so mean? And how did we get here? Watch this video on our YouTube Channel.

Hosanna and the Fierce Urgency of Now

Presenter: Joe Vinson, UUCP member. This Palm Sunday, we discuss how to prepare a way for the future we want without succumbing to despair. This service will include our 5th Sunday Share the Plate offering to be donated to the Pensacola Abortion Rights Taskforce. Watch this service on our YouTube channel.

The Struggle and Triumph of Black History: Overcoming Adversity with Faith

Honoring Black History Month: “The Struggle and Triumph of Black History: Overcoming Adversity with Faith” Guest speaker Derail Holcomb, Visiting UU Intern Minister from Frederick, Maryland, will examine the challenges and struggles faced in the fight for justice, both then in history and now in our modern day. We will reflect on the importance of … Continue reading The Struggle and Triumph of Black History: Overcoming Adversity with Faith

The Freedom Riders

Presenter: Nancy Hagman, UUCP member. Originally there were 13 Freedom Riders – 7 African Americans and 6 white Americans – who banded together to demonstrate non-violent protests in the south. These civil rights activists initiated a significant movement and helped to make political changes with their courage. They were influenced by Dr. Martin Luther King, … Continue reading The Freedom Riders