Topic: Social Justice

Learning About Grief Recovery Through Valerie’s House

Guest Speaker: Jennifer Elzweig, Program Manager for Valerie’s House. Valerie’s House is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving children ages 3 to 18 who have suffered a loss. “At Valerie’s House, we recognize that grief can look different every day. In our grief support groups, we focus on healing from our losses together.” Join us … Continue reading Learning About Grief Recovery Through Valerie’s House

What Is Behind Rising Anti-Semitic Actions and Hate?

What Is Behind Rising Anti-Semitic Actions and Hate in Florida and Across the USA? Our guest speaker, Jerome Gordon (Jerry), is Senior Editor of The New English Review, and immediate Past President of B’nai Israel Synagogue. Come hear Mr. Gordon, as former producer and co-host of two international national weekly radio programs for Salem Media … Continue reading What Is Behind Rising Anti-Semitic Actions and Hate?

Current Challenges in Protecting Children

Sunday Service will be presented by Stacey Kostevicki, Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Kids’ House. The Gulf Coast Kids’ House provides multiple services and coordinates safety for children. With the new legislation that is beginning July 1st, the Kids’ House is challenged to meet their required standards which conflicts with this legislation. She will … Continue reading Current Challenges in Protecting Children

Strive for Justice

Sunday Service presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member. Our UUCP mission is to Celebrate Diversity, Strive for Justice, and Inspire Love. With so many social justice issues affecting our world right now, this is an appropriate time to consider what it means for us as UUs to Strive for Justice. Lauren will share ideas … Continue reading Strive for Justice

American Irony

In a country that often boasts that we’re the strongest, smartest, mightiest, most good-looking, and generally the best in the world, we do a very poor job of creating an environment for people to foster these traits.  Rather, we focus our efforts on providing the minimum requirements to create more average ordinary citizens to plug … Continue reading American Irony

The Great Peacemakers Series

This is the next installment in our special series based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken Beller and Heather Chase. Laura Keith King will tell about two very well-known Peacemakers; in honor of Mothers’ Day, the most compassionate and best known “mother” of them all, Mother Teresa, and … Continue reading The Great Peacemakers Series

It Starts with U(U)

An Earth Day presentation with Daniel and Heather Cobb. Most of us are aware that taking care of our planet and its resources are important, but how often do we follow this value up with something actionable? Join us for ideas on how to walk the walk and participate in our Earth-conscious activity at our seats. Watch … Continue reading It Starts with U(U)

“First They Came…”

Joe Vinson, member of UUCP will present a thought-provoking service. “First They Came…” – Considering Martin Niemöller and the need for solidarity and intersectionality in the face of creeping authoritarianism. Watch this video on our YouTube Channel.

The Great Peacemakers Series

Once again, Barbara Wright, a dedicated member of  UUCP will provide a thoughtful service. This is the next installment in our special series based on the book Great Peacemakers: True Stories from Around the World by Ken Beller and Heather Chase. Our Peace Sunday candidates are mixed in their familiarity. Bruno Hussar believes in “Interfaith Harmony” and has created … Continue reading The Great Peacemakers Series

Striving for Justice

UUCP has been a part of Justice United Seeking Transformation in Pensacola (JUST Pensacola) since its inception in 2019. Kaeli Williams, community organizer with the group, will join us to celebrate the work of JUST Pensacola and prepare us for upcoming major events. Watch this service on our YouTube channel.