Topic: UUCP Member

The Great Peacemakers Series

Paula Montgomery, M.D., long-time member of UUCP, will present the next installment in the Series of GREAT PEACEMAKERS, True Stories from Around the World. Workers for Peace: Thoreau and Gandhi. As UUs we are committed to the goal of a world community with peace, liberty and justice for all. Thoreau was a philosopher and poet … Continue reading The Great Peacemakers Series

Imbolc Celebration

Imbolc Celebration with Penny Featherstone and Faerin Collins, dedicated and long-time member of this congregation. In honoring the Wheel of the Year, Penny will identify how Imbolc introduces moving toward the light, creativity, and energy. This season includes the gestation of ideas and the beginnings of spring that influence our UUCP community. Watch this service … Continue reading Imbolc Celebration

I Will Do My Best: Service to Community

Service to our community has an impact beyond the work being done or the person doing it. This Sunday Service presented by UUCP Members Scott Satterwhite and Dr. Lauren Anzaldo will focus on community service, including the service done through youth scouting organizations. The service will include a Fifth Sunday collection to benefit the Eagle … Continue reading I Will Do My Best: Service to Community

Lost Pensacola, Part 2

Joe Vinson, UUCP member, will continue his walk through the histories of another six lost Pensacola landmarks that he recreated as vintage-style posters, including the San Carlos Hotel, the Spearman Brewery, and the Spanish Village. Watch this service on our YouTube Channel here.

Lost Pensacola, Part I

Joe Vinson, UUCP member, will present his capstone project for his Master’s Degree in Public History. Joe will walk us through the histories of six lost Pensacola landmarks that he recreated as vintage-style posters, including the Panton Leslie trading post, Fort McRee, and the old Opera House. Watch this service on our YouTube Channel here.

Hope, When Hope is Hard to Find presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member

Presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member. One of our beloved UU hymns, “Come, Sing a Song With Me,” contains the encouraging lines: I’ll bring you hope when hope is hard to find, and I’ll bring a song of love and a rose in the wintertime. During tough times personally, politically, and socially, hope can seem elusive. … Continue reading Hope, When Hope is Hard to Find presented by Dr. Lauren Anzaldo, UUCP Member


Welcome to Barbara Wright, a relatively new member to our community, to present her first Sunday service. Courageous people change the world. So many examples of that this month. October’s celebration of LGBTQ+ history month reminds us of the many who bravely moved (and continue to move) our world toward greater acceptance and affirmation. The revolutionary prophet of peace, … Continue reading Courage

American History as Lived By My Family

Since 1635, Jack’s ancestors have been on this American continent and in their small way participated in its history and development. He will share their story, lending a personal touch to what we learned in school.