Topic: Unitarian Universalism

Faith in Action

Anne Lamott writes, “I have a lot of faith. But I am also afraid a lot, and have no real certainty about anything. I remembered something Father Tom had told me–that the opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty. Certainty is missing the point entirely. Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, … Continue reading Faith in Action

Rejuvenating Your Faith

Join UUCP’s very own community minister Rev. Maggie Lovins as we gather again in the transition to spring. What does it look like to renew ourselves as nature renews herself? Let us come together for renewing, reviving and restoring our faith together.

Widening the Circle

Our theme for February is “Widening the Circle.” Many of you are probably familiar with the picture of our chalice inside of two concentric circles. It is often portrayed with the poem “Outwitted” by Edwin Markham, born in 1852.  He drew a circle that shut me out—  Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.  But Love … Continue reading Widening the Circle

Living With Intention: Religion and Politics

Our theme for January is Living with Intention. In this deeply divided time in our country, we often find religion at the center of controversy and division. How does Unitarian Universalism respond to the question of living with intention, while separating religion from our politics? Click here to view video on our YouTube Channel.

The Welcoming Congregation

Language to indicate that a congregation is “welcoming” and “inclusive” varies among denominations and different faith communities. For more than twenty years, the Welcoming Congregation Program has helped Unitarian Universalist congregations design their own unique program to engage in the deepest way possible with the question of how to intentionally welcome individuals, families, and communities … Continue reading The Welcoming Congregation

Christmas Through the Decades: Our UU Hymnody and Liturgy

Do family and friends visit your UU church with you at Christmas and wonder why we sing familiar tunes with different words? Or follow an unusual liturgy?  A look through our hymnals tells an interesting story about our evolving theology and perspective on this special holiday.

What Is Unitarian Universalism?

A sermon by the Rev. Angela Herrera given November 26, 2017 at First Unitarian Church in Albuquerque; an engaging and thoughtful explanation of the definition of religion and Unitarian Universalism’s place in human religious history. Join us via Facebook for a service with both live and recorded elements, broadcast from the sanctuary. This service was … Continue reading What Is Unitarian Universalism?

Humor: My Muzungu Eyes Are Improving

The July 11 service is provided by The Unitarian Universalist Hysterical Society.  Please come and enjoy the delightful story of UUs working together for  The Inherent worth and dignity of every person “My Muzungu Eyes Are Improving” This is above all a humour service—with funny stories of lions and cross cultural misunderstandings. It’s also a … Continue reading Humor: My Muzungu Eyes Are Improving