Those of us who were at our Annual Meeting were informed about the Pensacola Area Interfaith Justice Ministry (PAIJM). This is a new organization in Pensacola based on a successful plan originated by an organization called DART. DART (Direct Action Research Training) has been active and effective in 8 states and many local communities in Florida and elsewhere. A video about DART and the work of one of its affiliate groups can be found at Introduction to DART Justice Ministry in Pensacola with Nehemiah Assembly newscast on ICARE 2018. What we (yes, you too) will be doing is collaborating with hundreds of other local congregants in identifying a local social justice problem, then taking direct action based on careful research to effect change. This is based on action in accordance with our shared values, not our theological differences and helps us to work to fulfill our UUCP Mission Statement in which we pledge to “Celebrate Diversity, Strive for Justice and Inspire Love.”
Currently your UU “leaders” Paula Montgomery, Penny Featherstone, and Patti Gunderson are being trained to recognize our common values and how to lead groups in identifying social issues that concern us all. We attended a training meeting on May 13th. At that meeting we heard from various others about the importance of gathering together to give us the power to make changes. Power is the ability to make change. Without love, power is reckless and abusive. Love without power is weak and anemic. We will gather together to bring power with love and with respect, and that is how we will win justice.
This fall we will be meeting in small groups within our congregation to identify the social concerns that we have. The results of these small group meetings in each congregation will be discussed by the leaders in every congregation. A single actionable item will be agreed upon. The next phase is to research the problem and how it might be addressed. The final phase which will definitely include you all, will be a massive meeting with the officials who can effect the change we need. That meeting will occur in the spring of 2020.
Paula Montgomery