Everyone Can Prevent Suicide

Presenter Rachelle Burns, M.A. (Marriage & Family Therapy), Chair of EscaRosa Suicide Prevention Coalition & Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition, will share about the work of ERSPC and how you can help save lives. Suicide prevention is something we can all engage in. Our local nonprofit, EscaRosa Suicide Prevention Coalition, is proof of that. There are over … Continue reading Everyone Can Prevent Suicide

Scapegoats, trans panic, and Omelas

Presenter: Joe Vinson, President of UUCP. In a system of parochial altruism, some will always look for an out-group to sacrifice. Here’s why we cannot throw marginalized groups under the trolley of utilitarianism.

Flower Communion 2025

As Rev. Maggie Lovins describes the service: This ritual was originally created by Czechoslovakian Unitarian minister Norbert Capek in 1923. Come, enjoy the beauty and olfactory splendor of our Flower Communion service as we celebrate the renewal of life and hope that is at the heart of the Easter and Passover season! You are invited … Continue reading Flower Communion 2025

Gaia’s Lament

Presenter: Gay Yow, Friend of UUCP and Former Spokesperson for Greenpeace. Join in learning more about Gaia, Mother Earth. Gay Yow will present the “Magic of Mother Earth: Grounding and her amazing science of water.” Join in honoring Gaia after the Service out in the front garden with a ritual of a grounding meditation and Blessing … Continue reading Gaia’s Lament